Gliophorus psittacinus
Parrot Waxcap
From the Greek Glio - meaning glue, and phoros - meaning bearing, glue bearing is a reference to the slimy nature of the mushroom.
Meaning Parrot.

A wonderfully coloured mushroom when young with rich greens and yellow, become more yellow with age. Common in parts of the UK but rather rare across the rest of Europe. Very slimy and young specimens can be well camouflaged in the grass. A stunning species and one that once seen is easy to identify. Young specimens have a strongly emerald green colour in the cap and stem, becoming more yellow as it matures. Very slimy sometimes making it quite difficult to pick up, though in dry weather this can disappear. Small specimens can be very difficult to see in amongst grass, the more mature yellow looking ones are usually what catch your attention.
7.5-10 x 4-6µm, ellipsoidal.
Not distinctive.
Autumn to early Winter.
Habitat & Distribution
Prefers acidic or neutral grassland, can be quite common in higher areas, especially in Wales and the north of England. Often found in lawns and cemeteries. Widespread across the UK, becoming more common in the upland areas.
Not Edible. Whilst some authors state they are edible, they are far too slimy and insubstantial to warrant picking for culinary uses, it is very uncertain if they would be edible anyway.
Spore Print Colour

Confusion Species
Some of the other yellow species of waxcap may look similar, but the Parrot Waxcap always has a green tinge in the cap or at the very apex of the stem, this should help clinche the identification.