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Powdery Mildews, Rusts, Smuts & Downy Mildews

Powdery Mildews

Rusts & Smuts

Black Horehound
Neoerysiphe galeopsidis
Common Ragwort
Podosphaera senecionis
Creeping Cinquefoil
Podosphaera aphanis var. aphanis
Dandelion agg.
Podosphaera erigerontis-canadensis
Duke of Argyll's Teaplant
Arthrocladiella mougeotii
Erysiphe vanbruntiana var. sambuci-racemosae
Field Forget-me-not
Golovinomyces cynoglossi
Garlic Mustard
Erysiphe cruciferarum
Musk Stork's-bill
Podosphaera erodii
Red Valerian
Golovinomyces valerianae
Sea Beet
Erysiphe betae
Spear Thistle
Golovinomyces montagnei
Wood Avens
Podosphaera aphanis var. aphanis
Golovinomyces macrocarpus

Downy Mildews

Colt's-foot Clustercup Rust
Puccinia poarum
Violet Rust
Common Dog-violet
Puccinia violae
Nettle Rust
Common Nettle
Puccinia urticata
Creeping Thistle Rust
Creeping Thistle
Puccinia punctiformis
Mycosphaerella podagrariae
Ground Elder
Mycosphaerella podagrariae
Groundsel Clustercup Rust
Puccinia lagenophorae
Celandine Clustercup Rust
Lesser Celandine
Uromyces dactylidis
Puccinia arenariae
Red Campion
Puccinia arenariae
Valerian Leaf Spot
Red Valerian
Ramularia centranthi
Sea Holly Smut
Sea Holly
Entyloma eryngii
Melampsora epitea var. epitea
Melampsora epitea var. epitea
Winter Heliotrope Leaf Spot
Winter Heliotrope
Ramularia purpurascens
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